New Chapter

Created by kerry joseph 13 years ago
Flyn came as a bit of a surprise to us after being told I had a cyst...we were very shocked to later realise that cyst was actually a baby. After getting over the shock we were excited about having a new baby and were making plans for our future. Just 3 weeks before starting my maternity leave I felt something was wrong after feeling no movements. I left work early after one of the GP's where I worked couldn't find a heartbeat. When I arrived at the hospital I still thought all would be okay. My confidence faded after the midwife was also unable to find a heartbeat. A few minutes later my worst fears were confirmed. Flyn lay still on the scan screen and the room seemed to spin as they offered condolences. It didn't seem real as I sat there alone waiting for my husband to make the 4 hour journey from work. When it dawned on me I would still have to give birth to my baby I was distraught. I was sent home numb and confused and had to wait 4 days until I was induced. The day I was induced was possibly the worst day of my life. The care from the hospital staff was appalling, which as a nurse shocked me. At this point we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl but I had secretly hoped for a boy. After a few hours I gave birth to our beautiful little boy with perfect hands and feet with extremely long fingers like his brother Harry. Because of Flyn's fleeting time with us we have very few possessions or photos to remember him by but the few things we have are kept in his memories box. I often wonder what sort of character he would have had, the colour of his hair and eyes. I picture him like his Dad. I know that he will be with family in heaven and that I shouldn't worry about him. Flyn was buried at a natural burial ground amongst the flowers and butterflies and will have a tree planted in his name in December. Flyn, you should have been with us by now, your due date was so hard. You will be remembered by those who matter forever. Love Mummy, Daddy, Joe, Harry and Isobel